Friday, January 11, 2013

Another Side Project

I finished another side project, this one is making a background similar to those seen on Windows Vista.
I used the photo they used in the tutorial, but I changed the color balances a lot.

Sphere Progress

I am almost finished with the sphere. I am currently adding shadows, and working out small details. Adding the shadow was difficult at first because for some reason, Photoshop automatically changes the "Channels" to the "quick mask" every time I switch layers. This was an added difficulty, but I eventually figured out how to switch to RGB every time I needed to paint onto a new layer.
I realize I still have a lot of work cut out for me, however I am nearly positive I will finish this project soon.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Finished Abstract Work

This is the finished product of what I have been doing today. It started out with a lens flare and now is most definitely abstract. I used the transform>rotate tool a lot on this project, and I have been using the duplicate layers shortcut a lot as well.

Lens Flare Effects

This is the progress I am making on another side project. I am working with the effects of lens flare. The result is supposed to be an abstract design, but it currently looks like a star.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Side Projects

I am currently working on a few side projects, and taking a break from the sphere. I have decided to make a background that looks almost like fireworks, or maybe water. I created a render cloud, and from there on I was pretty much just using filters to create a new look.
This is the finished product.
This is when  was working on another background image. It is almost like a tornado with color. I found myself using multiple filters again. The Twirl filter seemed to have the most observable effect. Using the overlay blending option makes a huge difference.
This is the finished product.
This is the work I am currently doing. I am trying to get a nice pattern with cool colorings. I had some issues with the filter, as I was following the tutorial, it occurred to me that my canvas might be too big. I plan on fixing that.